Sunday, December 7, 2014

Birthday Weekend

I fell behind on posts again, sorry guys! I promise they will be more consistent! I turned the big 23 on Saturday. Birthday's aren't nearly as exciting after you pass up 21, no more exciting milestones, only ones that are a reminder of how old you're getting. I had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend with my family. Friday night, we had a little family get-together at my grandparents house. My mom bought me a kate spade Maise a few months ago, it has been so miserable waiting for it, but so worth it when I finally opened up that bag! She also surprised me with a new kate spade wristlet as well. It's safe to say it was a very kate spade birthday. Not complaining one bit. Saturday, my mom and I woke up early to head out to Grove City Outlets in PA. It was bitter cold and rainy out, but we got some hot deals! J. Crew Factory was having a 40%-60% everything sale and an extra 50% ticketed clearance prices this weekend. I picked up six shirts for $100! My mom and I finally took the plunge and opened up a J. Crew Card so we saved an additional 25%, definitely a steal! I also received a 20% off + free shipping promo code from J Crew for my birthday, so naturally I went home and ordered another two shirts. Shopping kicked my butt and I ended my birthday in bed by 11 o'clock. (did I turn 23, or 83?) It was definitely an enjoyable birthday! I'm excited to see what this next year holds for me! I linked all of my Birthday goodies for you to check out below!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday :) Sounds like an awesome weekend!

  2. Glad you had a great birthday! Happy belated :-)

    Funny you went to the Grove City outlets! I grew up right outside of Pittsburgh and used to go there all the time when I was younger. I moved to Philly after college, but I am back all the time. Always nice to meet a fellow Pittsburgh blogger!

    Natalie // Sprinkled with Pearls

    1. No way! What a small world. I'm about an hour and a half from Pittsburgh! Thank you so much :)


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