Hello my loves! Sorry for the absence, but I am back! My boyfriend will be heading back to school, nearly 12 hours away from me in a few days so I have been trying to soak up every possible minute I can get with him. And that is the inspiration behind today's post: Tips to Surviving a Long Distance Relationship. My relationship has been LDR since day one, and my boyfriend and I are quickly approaching two years together. It hasn't been an easy ride, but here are a few tips I'm going to share with you all that has kept us going:
1. You must have trust. And you must communicate.
This is an obvious given for any relationship, but it is especially important for a successful LDR. Being miles away from each other, you're both going to be having nights out without each other. You also may not know your boyfriend's friends as well as you'd like. This is where trust comes in. Communication is also key in a LDR. Your boyfriend is not going to be there to be able to tell by the look on your face if something is wrong. It is up to YOU to communicate. Talk about your feelings, any issues you may be feeling. Bottling things up is only going to hurt you both, and it is unfair to your relationship. Follow these two holy grail rules, you will overcome the farthest of distance.
2. Send each other care packages.
This has been one of my favorite parts of being in a LDR. If your boyfriend is a having a big week at work/has a big test, run out to the mall and pick up his favorite candy and a few small gifts to send to him! Also, don't be afraid to look up a local floral shop in his town to send him flowers. I thought this would be such a cute little "I love you" reminder gift, but was terrified to actually do it as you usually don't send flowers to guys. I finally sucked it up, and he adored it. Guys appreciate flowers just as girls do!
3. Create a schedule. And learn each other's schedules.
Knowing each other's work/school schedules makes things a lot easier, especially if you're in different times zones. My boyfriend and I are an hour off from one another, and while one hour might not seem like a huge deal, I don't know how many times I've forgotten and gotten his schedule confused. Also, get on a schedule! Set aside some time during the day and/or every night to talk/Skype and try to stick to that schedule.
4. See it as a opportunity for your relationship to grow.
Distance is a huge obstacle to overcome, but when you do, your relationship will be stronger than ever.
5. Set a goal.
I've found the distance to be much more easier to handle when I look forward to the next time I'll be seeing him, whether it be in a few weeks or at the end of the semester. Just remember, every passing day is one day closer to be reunited. Always keep that in mind.
6. Watch the same TV shows/do things together.
It sucks when there is a TV show or movie on that you wish you could watch together. Plan a FaceTime date, or call each other while you both watch it! It's definitely not the same as being able to cuddle up next to him, but it will suffice and will make you two feel a lot closer.
7. Do not smother each other.
While communicating is key in a LDR, don't overdo it. It's okay if you can't text each other 24/7. Distance is hard enough, don't make each other feel stressed about always having to talk, you do not need to compensenate for the distance. In this instance, less can be more.
8. Keep a journal.
If your boyfriend is working long hours/busy at school, and isn't available to talk to you for hours during the day, this is a helpful idea. Keep a journal/notebook/notes in your iPhone about things that have happened during your day so that you don't forget to tell him about it hours later! My boyfriend was working nearly 10 hours, 5 days a week this week, so I decided to try this out and it has been so helpful!
9. Never lose sight of why you are together.
Distance is not easy. You're going to have days where you think to yourself, "why are we putting ourselves through this? Is it really worth it?" It's okay to have these thoughts, but you must remind yourself of why you two got together in the first place. Always look for that light at the end of the tunnel.
10. Utilize the distance to spend time with friends/family.
It's completely normal to miss your man, it would be odd if you didn't. But don't mope around the house because of that. Just because you two can't be going out and doing things together, doesn't mean you both have to sit at home. There are plenty of things to do without your boyfriend being there. Call up an old friend you haven't talked to in a while, spend more time with your family! Staying active makes the days go by quicker.
Do you have any other LDR tips to share? Thanks for reading!
These are all such great tips!! Love this post xx