Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Thanks

Happy Sunday everyone! I've seen quite a few bloggers do a "Sunday Thanks" post and talk about a few things they were thankful for that week. I love the idea and decided to jump on the bandwagon! Hopefully this a post I'll be able to keep up with every Sunday! So without further adieu, here are a few things I was extra thankful for this week:

1. My boyfriend
Okay this is probably such a cliche, but I couldn't leave him out. I've been studying like a maniac these last few weeks for the LSAT and it's put me on edge. I've definitely been a pain, but instead of getting annoyed with me like most probably would, he's been nothing but supportive! I don't know how I'd get through weeks like this without out, but hopefully I'll never have to find out. 

2. Helpful professors
It's few and far that you get lucky enough to come across one of those life-changing professors. No, but really, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life until I took a class with one particular professor a few years ago. His class was challenging, but he passion for being a lawyer really struck me and that was when it all came together. It's really great to know that even though I haven't taken a class of his in a year now, I can still always go to him when I need any sort of help. 

3. Study guides
A week full of tests makes for one unhappy girl. However, I most certainly appreciate a professor who not only takes the time to make a very thorough study guide, but also has a review for it as well! Four for you professor! Thanks for making my hectic week a little more bearable. 

4. The beauty of fall
Another cliche, but who really doesn't love how pretty the tree's look when the leaves are changing? I don't think I've ever really fully appreciated how beautiful this season really is. My boyfriend who goes to school in Alabama has been talking about how much he misses this time of year (he's still suffering 80 degree weather) and that's when it really hit me. L.M Montgomery said it best, "I'm so glad I live in a place where there are Octobers."

What are you thankful for?
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